Starting from Porto Garibaldi our motorboats will sail along the Adriatic coast up to the river delta where you will stop at the Love Isle, the last land margin dividing the river from the sea. Afterwards navigation along the branches of the Po di Goro and the Po di Gnocca, to observe “Isola dei Gabbiani” and “Sacca degli Scardovari”. On board we will serve you a delicious seafood meal prepared according to our best traditional recipes. Return to Porto Garibaldi at 2.30 p.m
In case of rough sea, the excursion will be through the Comacchio lagoon.
Days and times of excursion
From 19/04 to 25/05
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 9.00 am
From 31/05 to 14/09
Every Day 9.00 am
BOARDING FROM 8.00 am TO 8.30 am
*Only small and medium-sized dogs allowed on board.