From the Marina di Goro, we will embark on a journey to explore the fascinating world of fishing in the Po Delta, from traditional local techniques to discovering how the balance of this area has changed due to the spread of the blue crab. Sailing through the Sacca and clam nurseries, we will reach Gorino Ferrarese. During a short stop at the small harbour, we will observe the types of boats and tools in use today. Once aboard, we will reach the tip of the Scanno di Goro, a privileged spot to see where the waters of the Sacca di Goro meet those of the Adriatic Sea.
Days and times of excursion:
From 09/06 to 08/09
Monday at 4.00 pm
*Small dog allowed on board upon request. For dogs that may exhibit challenging behavior, the use of a muzzle is recommended. The owner is responsible for their dog's behavior while on board.