Suggestive navigation along the final stretch of the southernmost branch of the Po di Goro. Discover an ever-changing environment where land and water, man and nature, coexist in a delicate balance. Moving away from Gorino towards the mouth, a thick reed bed leads to the Adriatic Sea, where a rich avifauna finds refuge. During the excursion, we will skirt the “Lanterna Vecchia” and the Love Island lighthouse. Lastly, we will sail through the Gorino Lagoons, which overlook the Sacca di Goro, the area where clam production takes place, the jewel in the crown of the local economy.
Days and times of excursion:
From 10/06 to 11/09
Tuesday and Thursday at 5.00 pm
*Small dog allowed on board upon request. For dogs that may exhibit challenging behavior, the use of a muzzle is recommended. The owner is responsible for their dog's behavior while on board.